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Self-Serve Frozen Sundaes and Cones
Smoothies, FroYoccinos, Shakes, Slushes, Parfaits & pYYes
We Fund Raise! We are honored to help reach your goals!
~ 15% Of Designated Sales Go To 'Yo Organization ~
We support (for example):
- Sports Teams - PTA/PTO
- School Clubs - Booster Clubs
- Scouts - Any Non-Profit Organization
- Youth Groups - Bands
- National and Local Charities
You'll be provided with all you need for a successful event:
Facebook artwork/Email blast artwork – all you have to do is send it to teachers and they can distribute it to the students.
A flyer that you can print and distribute to the students a few days before.
We create a Facebook Event on our Facebook page. You can too if you want, we will provide you with a Facebook event header.
You don’t have to be there! Our Team Members will take care of everything.
If anyone wants to leave cash donations in your bucket, we will forward those directly to you.
Your money will be available on the Monday after your fundraiser – no waiting!
For questions, or to book your fundraiser, contact us at one of our locations.​

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